- Rocker leads drive to lift Third World debt
Jun 14, 2001 . By night, he's a long-haired, pierced-eared, combat boot-wearing superstar who spends two deafening hours whipping 20000 screaming fans .
Can Bono Save The Third World? - The Daily Beast
Jan 23, 2000 . Bono, whose real name is Paul Hewson, had come to Washington last . mostly Republicans, to forgive nearly $6 billion in Third World debt.
Bono Takes On World Debt - Bono :
Jul 23, 1998 . Orrin Hatch, Bono (who's spearheaded Jubilee 2000, a campaign lobbying for the decrease of Third World debt) asked Congress to heed .,,618434,00.html
Bono: Biography from @U2
A biography of Bono, the lead singer of the Irish rock band, U2, who was born . artists and campaigners to the cause of ending Third World debt in his role as .
Third World Debt - Cancel it ! - YouTube
Nov 18, 2007 . Ad for Third World Debt : "Cancel it !". . (The Rich and Poor)by ficchurch49842 views; Make Poverty History - Bono 2:23. Watch Later Error .
Bono Week In Review - Bonomics - The Daily Show with Jon ...
Mar 17, 2005 . Bono's efforts on behalf of third world debt relief has led to speculation that he may be considered for president of the World Bank. Tags: .
U2, Bono, Third World Debt, Noble Peace Prize, Oprah Winfrey, The ...
Reaching out to other countries in terms of charity is rewarding and much needed . Africa is in need of funding to build schools, purchase books and to aid in .
Playing For Change | Bono
Bono's most extensive social campaigns have been Jubilee 2000 and ONE that was formed in 2002. These projects are orchestrated to cancel third world debt, .
BBC News | ENTERTAINMENT | Bono campaigns at debt relief summit
Feb 3, 2002 . U2 frontman Bono fronts a debate at New York's World Economic . to the UN Millennium Summit, asking them to cancel Third World debt, .
Fame, Faith, and Social Activism: Business Lessons from Bono ...
Jun 20, 2011 . At the same time, Koehn charts the lead singer Bono's escalating, high-profile campaign against Third World debt, poverty, war and disease.
Bono's Crusade to End Poverty - ABC News
If you get an email from Bono, it's no imposter; the lead singer of U2 is sending notes to Internet users around the world in a campaign to forgive third world debt.
Bono, Preacher on Poverty, Tarnishes Halo With Irish Tax Move ...
Oct 15, 2006 . Bono, the rock star and campaigner against Third World debt, is asking the Irish government to contribute more to Africa. At the same time, he's .