DATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa (or DATA) was a multinational non-government organization founded in January 2002 in London by U2's Bono along with Bobby .
Bob Geldof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Africa), an organisation founded by U2's Bono in 2002 to promote debt-relief, third world trade and AIDS relief in Africa .
ONE Campaign
. British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad .
Bono as Person of Faith
In 2002 Bono founded the organization DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa) to . But you either tell people you're giving it away -- then, by our definition, it is no .
Bono: Biography from
Bono Bono (born 1960), the Irish-born lead singer and guitarist of the rock band U2, has also gained . causes that range from the AIDS crisis in Africa to debt reduction in impoverished Third World nations. . Wikipedia on .
Bono Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth
Bono is an Irish musician with a net worth of $900 million. . In 2002, he co- founded the organization DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa), which he followed up .
Jeffrey Sachs's lifepath
Jeffrey Sachs: from Dr Shock to Friend of Bono. . live on the equivalent of less than $1 a day, the official definition of extreme poverty; . current approach to one of Sachs's obsessions, preventing malaria in Africa, where the disease is ubiquitous. . the 1997 Asian crisis, and pressing for debt relief for the poorest countries.
Bono's Charity Work, Events and Causes
Bono's charity work, including that for UNICEF, ONE Campaign, and Make . List for his work with Debt AIDS Trade Africa (DATA) against the spread of AIDS and for . photos, videos and news; Simply Bono; Bono Wikipedia Entry; Bonotheism .
Bono Facts, information, pictures | articles about ...
Make research projects and school reports about Bono easy with credible . from the AIDS crisis in Africa to debt reduction in impoverished Third World nations.
World Debt Facts |
When developed countries think of world debt they tend to think of the . Since 1995, debt reduction has been approved for 35 countries, 29 of them in Africa. . Debt to Export Ratio Definition . "Odious debt" is in the public lexicon due mainly to rock legends Bob Geldof and U2's Bono raising public awareness of the.
U2 - Television Tropes & Idioms
Must be the sort of thing that a busy, busy wiki needs.:). Subpages . the ONE Campaign, Music Rising and Bono's DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade in Africa) campaign.
Bono | Profile on
Bono - Bono, the lead singer of U2, uses his celebrity to fight for social justice worldwide: to end . In 2002, he co-founded DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa).
What Makes Bono Tick?
[photo from wiki] . Bono has been actively involved in campaigning for debt relief in Africa. . Also in 2001, Bono's father died after a long battle with cancer.